Here's What You're Getting:
  • Unique exercises that will help you throw harder punches, slip faster, and be able to pounce on your opponent when the opening presents itself
  • Exactly how many reps, sets and how long to rest to give you heavy hands
  • The most effective hybrid conditioning plan to build your conditioning to the point where a fight will feel like a leisurely stroll on the beach – everything is outlined including interval, steady state and circuit training
  • How to perform every exercise properly through detailed video instruction – do them right otherwise, you might as well not do them at all
  • The exact blueprint to follow whether your fight is 4, 6, 8, 10 or 12 weeks away to continually build your level of fitness (and what to do if you train and don’t fight at all)
  • Exercises to fix “fighter’s hunch” so you can avoid common shoulder injuries that can keep you on the couch (getting fat) for weeks or even months at a time
Each phase takes the 3 principles above and puts them into an easy, step-by-step format so you don’t have to have a science degree to understand or benefit from it – the science is built-in.

Because each phase is built to complement the other, you can continue to make gains by simply alternating each phase of training, taking your power and conditioning to new heights each and every phase you complete.
P4P Phase 1
In Phase I, you’ll be building your general strength with boxing specific exercises that train the rotational plane as well as the best general strength builders.

Your conditioning is focused on building your Aerobic base while introducing some explosive movements to train your Alactic energy system as well.

You’ll perform specific workouts and interval training protocols to maximize your gains while minimizing your soreness and fatigue.

Most programs just beat you into the ground and leave you tired and spent, unable to get the most out of your boxing training – this won’t happen to you on the Program for Pugilists as I understand that S&C is meant to complement your boxing training, not detract from it.
P4P Phase 2
Phase II is where you peak your power endurance through my specific NRG System Complexes, while maintaining the strength you’ve built so you don’t start from the bottom after your fight.

You’ll discover how to taper your training so that you’ve got loads of energy for the intense training and sparring that happens before a fight.

Speaking of which, it doesn’t matter if your fight is 4, 6, 8, or 12 weeks away – I’ll tell you exactly what exercises to do , how many reps, how much rest and guide you through everything as if you were training with me in the gym.

And if you don’t fight, all you’ve got to do is perform each of the 2 phases for 4 weeks each, taking a week off after Phase II and repeat the cycle to continue making gains.
And as a powerDOJO, you're getting Program for Pugilists for 54% OFF which means today you're paying just $29.

And as always, you're backed by my
NO-HOLDS BARRED guarantee:

Guarantee #1

High Quality

If for any reason you don’t think any component of this program is top-notch quality, even if you don’t like the font used for the manuals, simply email us at any time within 1 year and you’ll get a full and prompt refund.

Guarantee #2

Rapid Results

If after following the program you don’t experience virtually instant results that inspire you to continue so you keep making gains until you reach your goals, just let me know and you’ll get your money back.

Guarantee #3

Unexpected Benefits

Follow this program for at least 4 weeks and I guarantee that you'll notice other benefits outside of what you originally imagined due to the efficient and holistic program design. Stick to the program and notice additional benefits and if you don't, email us and we'll give you your money back.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What exactly is the Program 4 Pugilists?

Q: What results can I expect from the program?

Q: How many days of training is the program?

Q: What equipment do I need to follow P4P?